53 research outputs found

    Pelaksanaan program literasi dan numerasi (LINUS) di sekolah rendah

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    LINUS ialah program yang dilaksanakan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia di sekolah rendah seluruh negara untuk meningkatkan tahap literasi dan numerasi murid-murid tahun 1 hingga 3. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau penilaian LINUS yang dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2010. Teori Piaget (1936) diaplikasikan dalam kajian ini. kaedah tinjauan dijalankan terhadap 120 orang murid dari tiga jenis sekolah yang berbeza, iaitu Sekolah kebangsaan, sekolah jenis kebangsaan Cina dan sekolah jenis kebangsaan Tamil. Kajian menunjukkan bahawa murid-murid berasa seronok terhadap program LINUS yang dilaksanakan. Mereka mendapati bahawa guru-guru LINUS mengajar dengan cara yang menyeronokkan dan menggunakan bahasa yang mudah difahami, kelas LINUS membolehkan murid-murid menguasai kemahiran membaca dan menulis, guru LINUS cenderung untuk mengaplikasikan teknik berkumpulan dan permainan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Selain itu, guru lebih gemar menggunakan komputer, gambar dan video di dalam kelas LINUS. Dengan kata lain, pelaksanaan program LINUS menampakkan hasil dengan sambutan yang positif dalam kalangan murid. Oleh itu, program LINUS harus diteruskan dengan memperoleh sokongan padu daripada ibu bapa dan masyarakat supaya keberkesanannya lebih menonjol dalam usaha melahirkan generasi muda yang boleh membaca dan menulis dengan cepat

    Masalah pembelajaran bahasa Melayu dalam kalangan murid Cina sekolah rendah

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat persepsi murid-murid Cina terhadap bacaan buku dan sebutan dalam bahasa Melayu. Seramai 400 orang sampel dipilih daripada Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC) dan Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK). Murid-murid Cina di SJKC dan SK mempunyai masalah sebutan kerana kurang membaca buku atau bahan bacaan bahasa Melayu. Murid-murid Cina kurang gemar membaca bahan bacaan atau buku bahasa Melayu kerana faktor kebudayaan, pengaruh rakan dan keluarga. Selain itu, murid-murid Cina sering melakukan kesalahan sebutan fornem (‘m”, “n”, “l”, dan “r”) dan konsonan bergabung (“sy”, “ny” dan “ng”). Ujian-t menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan bagi murid-murid SK dengan SJKC dalam pencapaian bahasa Melayu. Hasil ujian korelasi Pearson menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan antara kemahiran pemahaman dengan pertuturan murid-murid Cina dalam bahasa Melayu. Hasil kajian ini mendapati pengajaran dan pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu di sekolah-sekolah rendah perlu diperbaiki agar dapat membantu murid-murid mempelajari bahasa Melayu dengan baik. Selain itu, guru-guru Bahasa Melayu memainkan peranan yang sangat penting untuk memupuk minat membaca di samping membetulkan kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh murid-murid Cina kerana Bahasa Melayu ialah bahasa kedua mereka. Tambahan pula, ibu bapa memainkan peranan penting di samping sikap dan minat murid-murid terhadap bahasa Melayu itu sendiri

    ICT application in the teaching of mandarin in Malaysian secondary schools

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    Le but de cette étude est d'examiner l'application des NTIC dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage du mandarin dans les écoles secondaires de Malaisie. Cette étude implique 31 enseignants et 90 students de quelques écoles secondaires en Malaisie. Un questionnaire est utilisé et les données collectées sont traitées en utilisant le programme SPSS. Les réponses analysées en utilisant une moyenne et le biais démontrent l’influence des opinons des enseignants et des étudiants, les influences et les effets des applications des NTIC dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage du mandarin dans les écoles secondaires en Malaisie. Les indicateurs de la statistique différentielle, tels que l'analyse de la variance ANOVA, sont effectués pour voir les différences dans l'utilisation de l'application des NTIC en fonction des expériences sociales des répondants. Les résultats montrent que les enseignants et les élèves ont réalisé l'importance de la demande de CALL dans l'enseignement du mandarin. La plupart des répondants sont convenus que l'application des NTIC produit des effets plus positifs en aidant les enseignants au cours du processus d'enseignement du mandarin. Toutefois, en appliquant CALL dans l'enseignement du mandarin, les enseignants éprouvent des contraintes diverses. Les résultats montrent l'existence d'une différence significative entre la fréquence de l'utilisation de CALL et l'efficacité de l'application dans l'enseignement du mandarin et dans les perceptions et les problèmes des enseignants.The purpose of this study is to examine the application of ICT in the teaching and learning of Mandarin in Malaysian secondary schools. This study involves 31 teachers and 90 students from a few secondary schools in Malaysia. A questionnaire is used and data collected is processed by using the SPSS program. Responses are analyzed by using mean and standard deviation to show the teachers’ and students’ opinion, influencing factors, and the effects of ICT applications in the teaching and learning of Mandarin in secondary schools in Malaysia. Inferential statistics, such as the one way ANOVA, is performed to see the differences in the use of ICT application based on social background of respondents. The results show that both teachers and students realized the importance of CALL application in the teaching of Mandarin. Most respondents agreed that ICT application produce more positive effects in helping teachers during the process of teaching and learning Mandarin. However, in applying CALL in the teaching of Mandarin, teachers experience various constraints. The findings show the existence of a significant difference between the frequency of using CALL and the effectiveness of the application of call in teaching Mandarin and teachers’ perceptions and problems.O objetivo deste estudo é examinar a aplicação das TICs no ensino e aprendizagem do mandarim nas escolas secundárias da Malásia. O estudo envolve 31 professores e 90 alunos de algumas escolas secundárias da Malásia. Um questionário é usado e os dados coletados são processados usando o programa SPSS. As respostas são analisadas através da média e do desvio padrão para mostrar as opiniões dos professores e dos estudantes, os fatores influentes e os efeitos das aplicações das TICs no ensino e aprendizagem de mandarim nas escolas secundárias da Malásia. As estatísticas inferenciais, como a maneira única ANOVA, são realizadas para ver as diferenças no uso da aplicação das TICs baseado na experiência social dos entrevistados. Os resultados mostraram que ambos os professores e os alunos se deram conta da importância da aplicação CALL no ensino de mandarim. A maioria dos entrevistados concordaram que a aplicação das TICs produz mais efeitos positivos ao ajudar os professores durante o processo de ensino e aprendizado de mandarim. Contudo, em aplicar CALL no ensino de mandarim, os professores têm várias coações. Os resultados mostram a existência de uma diferença significante entre a frequência de usar CALL e a eficácia da aplicação de CALL no ensino de mandarim e as perspectivas e problemas dos professores

    Micro-Class teaching of the tourism English course: the smart education in China vocational colleges / Liao Danlu & Fong Pang Chew

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    Smart education becomes the inevitable trend of the global education. With the rapid international tourism development, it becomes a new issue in China to explore how to cultivate qualified tourism graduates with proficient English skills from vocational colleges in terms of smart education. Therefore, this paper aims at discussing China’s current teaching problems of tourism majors’ core course-Tourism English. There are four characteristics of micro-class, namely short-time, fine and concise, interesting, and small-volume resource. The researcher finds raised issues in the teaching classroom include monotonous teaching methods, lack of practice field, inappropriate teaching materials and short of professional teaching staff. In conclusion to solve these problems, the researcher gives three recommendations on Tourism-English micro-class teaching as follows: (1) Realize multiple and open teaching mode, and three dimensions openness of time, space and structure; (2) Increase financial and construction support from the college; (3) Establish the evaluation system of the tourism students' learning achievements in micro-class teaching. As highly information-based the smart education has just started, we should make full use of micro-lesson to improve English Teaching level in vocational colleges, to cultivate students' autonomous learning ability, to cultivate innovative and creative professional tourism talents

    Kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi dalam pembelajaran dan pemudahcaraan Bahasa Melayu melalui teknik penyoalan

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengetahui dengan mendalam isu-isu yang berkaitan pelaksanaan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) dalam penyoalan Bahasa Melayu di sekolah rendah. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada responden murid. Seramai 90 orang murid dari Sekolah Kebangsaan, Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina dan Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil di daerah Tampin, Negeri Sembilan dipilih untuk menjawab kajian melalui borang soal selidik dan ujian yang dibekalkan. Kajian ini memfokuskan pada tahap penguasaan murid dalam aspek KBAT yang meliputi kekerapan dan keberkesanan dalam pelaksanaan KBAT serta perbezaan amalan penyoalan KBAT dengan latar belakang responden murid. Data yang telah dianalisis menunjukkan bahawa tahap kekerapan dan keberkesanan adalah berada pada tahap yang tinggi, manakala tahap penguasaan murid dalam aspek KBAT adalah memuaskan. Keputusan juga menunjukkan tidak ada perbezaan yang signifikan antara amalan penyoalan KBAT guru dengan latar belakang responden murid kecuali jenis sekolah murid (F(2, 87) = 9.841, p = 0.00). Maka, para guru Bahasa Melayu di SJK perlulah menggandakan usaha dalam menyelesaikan masalah penguasaan asas BM dalam kalangan murid agar KBAT dapat diaplikasikan dalam PdPc dengan lebih lancar

    Evaluation of the LINUS program in three type of National primary schools in Malaysia

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    LINUS is a program implemented by the Malaysia Ministry of Education in primary schools nationwide to increase literacy skills of students in Year 1 to 3. This study aimed at assessing the LINUS program implemented since 2010. Model of Critical Literacy by Freebody and Luke (1990) was applied in this study. Reading and writing test for Malay language subject were developed from the Module of LINUS program and conducted on 120 students from three different types of schools, namely National Schools, National-type Chinese Schools and National-type Tamil Schools. The result showed that the level of showed that the level of reading and writing of students was average. One-way ANOVA tests showed significant differences between ethnic and type of schools with the reading and writing proficiency of the students; students of National Schools scored the highest in reading test whereas the students of National-type Chinese School performed the best in writing test. In contrast, family SES of the students did not influence their reading and writing proficiency. Therefore, teachers should take into account ethnic and type of schools in implementing the LINUS program as the main factors determining the level of literacy, achievement and success of the LINUS program

    Penilaian pelaksanaan kurikulum bahasa Tamil di sekolah kebangsaan

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    Di Sekolah Kebangsaan, Bahasa Tamil adalah satu mata pelajaran elektif yang menjadi pilihan murid-murid untuk dipelajari dan bukanlah mata pelajaran penilaian seperti bahasa Melayu di peringkat UPSR. Justeru penilaian BT di SK hanya boleh dibuat menerusi peperiksaan yang diadakan pada peringkat sekolah atau digelar pentaksiran berasaskan sekolah. Oleh itu, kajian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk menilai keberkesanan pelaksanaan Bahasa Tamil Sekolah Kebangsaan (BTSK) berdasarkan tiga dimensi, iaitu input, proses dan produk. Seramai 93 murid daripada enam buah Sekolah Kebangsaan di daerah Gombak, Selangor yang menjalani program BTSK telah terlibat dalam kajian. Soal selidik dan ujian telah digunakan sebagai instrumen. Dimensi penilaian input menunjukkan aspek kesesuaian buku teks diberi penilaian tahap tinggi, dimensi penilaian proses menunjukkan aspek pengajaran guru diberi penilaian tahap tinggi, manakala dimensi penilaian produk menunjukkan tahap pencapaian murid adalah berada pada tahap yang sederhana dan memuaskan. Didapati juga bahawa faktor jantina, pendapatan keluarga dan penggunaan bahasa murid-murid di rumah didapati tidak mempengaruhi tahap pencapaian Bahasa Tamil murid-murid kajian. Dapatan mengimplikasikan bahawa buku teks BTSK boleh ditambah baik dengan merujuk kepada kemahiran-kemahiran yang perlu dipelajari dan penambahbaikan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran perlu dilakukan dengan mempelbagaikan kaedah pengajaran dengan menyelitkan elemen-elemen Teknologi Maklumat Komunikasi (TMK) bagi memudahkan murid-murid menguasai kemahiran bahasa secara optimum. Dicadangkan program BTSK ini diteruskan kerana ianya berpotensi untuk mencapai matlamat kurikulum secara optimum


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    Background and Purpose: Since preschool education is the cornerstone of change and overall development of children, it is a very important phase that prepares them before they enter the school world. Thus, the development and expansion of preschool programs need to be given further attention and improvement of the quality of services to the community. Teachers' emotional competence and self-efficacy are closely related to teacher commitment. Therefore, it is important for us to identify the relationship between preschool teachers’ emotional competence and teachers' commitment as well as to investigate the mediating effect of teachers’ self-efficacy to perform their role toward developing children's potential holistically. This study aims to examine the mediating effect of teachers’ self-efficacy between the relationship of emotional competence and self-efficacy of teachers with the commitment of preschool teachers in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. This study was based on the Emotional Competency Theory developed by Goleman (2001), the Self-Efficacy Model by Tschannen-Moran and Hoy (2001) as well as the Teacher Commitment Model by Thien et al. (2014).   Methodology: The methodology used was a survey study involving 428 preschool teachers in the state of Selangor who were selected through cluster sampling and convenient sampling to answer a set of questionnaire through Google Forms. The instrument was validated by six experts and a pilot study was conducted on 75 samples of preschool teachers in the Klang district. Data collected were analyzed quantitatively using IBM SPSS V23.0 & Smart-PLS 3.0.   Findings: The results of structural model analysis showed that the relationship between emotional competence, self-efficacy and commitment was positively significant and teacher self-efficacy served as a partially mediating effect in the relationship between emotional competence and teacher commitment.   Contributions: The previous studies of emotional competence, self-efficacy, and commitment were in the field of education in general and did not focus on preschool education. Based on the issues and long-term implications of the quality of preschool education, this study provided an improved new model to fill the research gap in the field of early childhood education to improve the quality of continuing education.   Keywords:  Commitment, early childhood education, emotional competence, mediator, preschool teacher, self-efficacy.   Cite as: Phaik Im, K., Fong Peng, C., & Hutagalung, F. D. (2023). Teacher self-efficacy as a mediator of the relationship between emotional competence and preschool teachers’ commitment. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(2), 1-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss2pp1-2

    A Conceptual Paper: Moderating Effects of Metacognition and Gender on the Association between Emotion Regulation and Self-Efficacy Among Pre-Service Teachers

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    Pre-service teacher’s self-efficacy plays a vital role in Malaysia educational transformation. Emotion regulation influences one’s ability to cope with the stress and challenges. This research focuses on the two variables which determine pre-service teacher’s self-efficacy and emotion regulation. Metacognition enables pre-service teachers to rationally evaluate their own capability. It serves as an important tool in emotional regulation to engage pre-service teacher in cognitive re-appraisal process. Gender differences lead to different thinking style and emotion regulation strategies. Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI), Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) and General Self-Efficacy (GSE) will serve as the instruments in this study. 133 pre-service teachers from Institute of Teacher Education Campus Bahasa Melayu will be selected using clustered random sampling method. The findings of this research can serve as a reference in teacher preparation process. Keywords: metacognition, emotion regulation, self-efficacy, pre-service teacher, gender difference

    Liushu-based Instruction and Its Effects on the Motivation and Intended Learning Efforts: The Case of Laos Learners of Standard Chinese

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    This study examines the effects of Liushu-based instruction on the motivation and intended learning efforts. Beginners of Standard Chinese from Laos were assigned to the experiment group and the control group. The Liushu-based instruction in the experiment group was carried on for ten weeks. It was found that Liushu-based instruction has a positive effect on learners’ motivation, especially for Standard Chinese learners’ Ideal L2 Self and L2 learning experience. In addition, Ideal L2 Self showed a mediation effect between Liushu-based instruction and intended learning efforts. The article also provides several suggestions for the use of Liushu in Chinese character teaching